AHLUL BAIT NABI SAW: Media Agama Dan Hati Umat Islam * Media Persatuan dan Kesatuan Sunni Dan Syiah

Sebuah kayu berukir yang bertuliskan tulisan Semit ditemukan pada tahun 1951 dan kini dipajang di Museum Kepurbakalaan, Moskow, Rusia, diduga berasal dari bahtera Nabi Nuh.

Naskahnya diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris oleh Alef Max, Profesor Bahasa Kuno pada Manchester University, Inggris sebagaimana berikut:
“Oh my God, my Helper, in Your mercy and generosity help me, and for the sake of these holy souls: Muhammed, Elia, Shoppar, Shappair, Fatimah who are all great and blessed. The Universe is there for them, help me for their names. Only You can guide us to the straight path.”
Tentunya, nama Elia, Shoppar, dan Shappair dalam bahasa Semit adalah Ali, Hasan, dan Husain dalam bahasa Arab.

Terjemahan itu didokumentasikan dalam surat kabar berikut:
1. Weekly-Mirror: UK, 28/12/53
2. Star of Britain: London, 1/54
3. Manchester Sunlight: Manchester, 23/1/54
4. London Weekly Mirror: 1/2/54
5. Bathrah Najaf: Iraq, 2/2/54
6. Al-Huda: Cairo, 31/3/54


“Aelia” Hebrew Name of Imam Ali (AS)
An engraved wooden block with Semitic writings was found in 1951 and now exhibited in the Museum of Archaeology, Moscow, Russia, is thought to belong to Noah’s Ark.

It was translated into English by Alef Max, professor of ancient tongue at Manchester University, England as follows:
“Oh my God, my Helper, in Your mercy and generosity help me, and for the sake of these holy souls: Muhammed, Elia, Shoppar, Shappair, Fatimah who are all great and blessed. The Universe is there for them, help me for their names. Only You can guide us to the straight path”.
Of course, Elia, Shoppar, and Shappair in Semitic are Ali, Hasan, and Husain in Arabic.

The translation was documented in the following newspapers:
1. Weekly-Mirror: UK, 28/12/53
2. Star of Britain: London, 1/54
3. Manchester Sunlight: Manchester, 23/1/54
4. London Weekly Mirror: 1/2/54
5. Bathrah Najaf: Iraq, 2/2/54
6. Al-Huda: Cairo, 31/3/54


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